An initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops


More Marriage News from Maine: "Beauty of Marriage" website

Posted Mar. 7, 2012 by Marriage Unique for a Reason No comments yet

As was shared here on the blog yesterday, Bishop Richard Malone of Portland, Maine recently released a pastoral letter about marriage: “Marriage: Yesterday – Today – Always.” As it turns out, Bishop Malone’s pastoral letter also has a website component with many more resources about what marriage is and why it matters. The website can be found at The pastoral letter is located here, as well as a blog and links to other marriage-related sites (including Marriage: Unique for a Reason!).

Highlighted themes on Beauty of Marriage website:

  • Marriage is a Unique Relationship
  • The True Nature of Marriage
  • A Child is a Gift
  • Marriage and the Good of Society

The page also has links to Facebook and Twitter and an invitation to sign up for a mailing list.

Check it out!