An initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Seattle Archbishop and Bishop Urge Washington State Faithful to Participate in Marriage Referendum

Background: In February of this year, the state of Washington passed a bill that would redefine marriage to exclude sexual difference. Governor Christine Gregoire promptly signed the bill into law, but opponents are able to present the bill for voter approval or rejection this November by collecting 120,000 signatures by June 6.

The latest: Archbishop J. Peter Sartain and Bishop Eusebio Elizondo of the Archdiocese of Seattle have issued a brief letter stating their support for the marriage referendum (Referendum 74) and some basic reasons why all people should support this referendum.


  • “The key to understanding the Church’s view of marriage can be found in the two fundamental ends or purposes toward which it is oriented: the good of the spouses and the procreation of children.”
  • “Some have suggested that the Catholic Church’s opposition to the redefinition of marriage amounts to discrimination. That is not the case. Treating different things differently is not unjust discrimination. Marriage can only be between a man and a woman because of its unique ends, purpose and place in society.”
  • “Why does the Catholic Church care so much about marriage? Because marriage is a fundamental good in itself and foundational to human existence and flourishing.”

Read the entire letter.

Find more about protecting marriage in Washington State by visiting the Washington Catholic Conference website.


3 responses to “Seattle Archbishop and Bishop Urge Washington State Faithful to Participate in Marriage Referendum”

  1. ann white says:

    Where do we vote against Ref. 74 when we live in Blaine or Ferndale WA. I see no places to go to voice my vote and the deadline is by June. We rec’d the letter from Arch of Seattle but it does not tell us where we can add our names to the 120,000.
    Pls. advise. Thank you.

  2. ann white says:

    tell me where I can place my signature to be added to the 120,000 needed by June. Thank you.

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