This coming Tuesday, May 8, voters in North Carolina will have the opportunity to vote for an amendment that would define marriage as the union of one man and one woman in the state Constitution. Bishop Michael Burbidge of Raleigh and Bishop Peter Jugis of Charlotte have encouraged the faithful to support the marriage amendment and have sought to catechize them about the authentic meaning of marriage. For example, we posted earlier about two videos made by Bishop Burbidge Bishop Jugis that explained the importance of the marriage amendment.
In anticipation of the May 8 vote, here are more resources from the bishops of North Carolina:
- AUDIO – Bishop Burbidge Discusses Marriage Amendment on Catholic Weekly
- Bishop Jugis: “In support of marriage”
- Bishop Jugis: “Marriage is not just about two adults”
- Bishop Burbidge: “Reflect seriously, then vote”
Also, for North Carolina readers, there are several events planned to educate the faithful about marriage:
- Friday, May 4: Presentation by Fr. Paul Check, National Director of Courage: “The Catholic Church, Marriage, and Homosexuality” at St. Ann Church in Charlotte (more information here)
- Saturday, May 5: Symposium on Marriage at St. Patrick Cathedral in Charlotte (more information here)
So it has come down to, must pass a bill saying marriage betweem a man and a women. Almighty God in the Book of Genesis already united the first man and women in marriage.