How do Catholic families navigate the waters of addiction to drugs or alcohol? How can the Church better support recovery efforts? On this episode, hear from two men in recovery, Dan Buckley and Brian Peck, who were interviewed by Zoey Maraist at the Arlington Catholic Herald, and Bishop Burbidge in the Diocese of Arlington who has many ideas for the Church’s ministry to families dealing with addiction. We also talk with Nina Marie Corona, who experienced the heartache of watching her daughter struggle with addiction and who is certified in alcohol and drug recovery and began the programs “We Thirst” and “Afire.”
Read Zoey Maraist’s story from the Arlington Catholic Herald, “The opioid crisis is ‘a family disease'” and meet Dan and Brian. Check out their podcast— that’s where this audio came from!
I also just realized– Sara, here– that I missed an opportunity to introduce y’all to the Venerable Matt Talbot in this episode! He struggled with alcoholism, and today people ask for his intercession to become sober. I was able to see his Shrine in Dublin when we attended the World Meeting of Families last summer. Outside the shrine, people had written in chalk their names and their lengths of sobriety.
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