For decades, Fr. Timothy Gallagher has been spreading the spiritual wisdom of St. Ignatius of Loyola and his predecessors- wisdom that can help answer questions like “why am I here?” and “is this desire to follow a certain path from God?”. We had a lot to talk about, so naturally we had too much to fit into one episode. Later (16:30), Kara joins to chat about The Prince of Egypt, a sensational and underrated movie, which Andrew claims is the greatest movie based on scripture. Regardless of whether it’s the best or merely one of the best, it makes for a great preparation for Passover and Holy Week.
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Fr. Gallagher’s spiritual insight can benefit anyone, and it can be found here!
The Discernment of Spirits
Setting Captives Free
A Biblical way of Praying the Mass
Discerning Hearts podcasts
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