Made for Love Ep 24: Young People in the Church
As the bishops of the Church discussed during last month’s synod in Rome, we here at home are discussing young people, the faith, and discernment with Bishop Caggiano of Bridgeport (also a delegate to the synod), Bishop Sis of San Angelo, Sr. Helena Burns, fsp, Anna Carter of the Eden Invitation, and 3 young people: Jeanne Marie Hathway, Kelly Walsh, and Elizabeth Plaza.
Listen on Soundcloud:
Or Podbean:
And here are a few resources about discernment (including consolation and desolation, as mentioned in the episode):
- Discernment Tools
- Resources for Parents on Vocations
- Vocation Videos
- Parish Vocation Resources
- Campus Ministry Vocation Resource
(Not endorsed! Just Sara’s googling and a cursory check that it’s not crazy…)
- Introduction to Discernment of Spirits
- Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s Podcast and Website on Discernment of Spirits (Author of Discerning the Will of God and many other books on this topic.
Made for Love Ep 13: Priests Come from Families too, You Know
When a man decides to go to the seminary, his family’s reaction matters. In this episode, two bishops (Bishop Caggiano, Bishop Rassas), 2 priests (Fr. Al Baca, Fr. Luke Ballman), and 1 seminarian (Brendan Glasgow) share their parents’ reaction to their discernment.
The above link is for Podbean, which is a platform we joined because we got feedback that it is better for a lot of people. But everything is still on Soundcloud and iTunes too!