Summer is wedding season! Today’s Sunday Pope Quote is a piece of advice Pope Benedict XVI gave to a group of engaged couples in September 2011 during a pastoral visit to Ancona, Italy.
Pope Benedict XVI: Fidelity, indissolubility and the transmission of life are the pillars of every family, the true common good, a precious patrimony of society as a whole. From now on found your journey towards marriage on these pillars and witness to this among your peers, too: such a service is precious!
– Address during Meeting with Young Couples in Ancona, Italy (September 11, 2001)
The family is the basic unit of all civilization. This union is a sacrament blessed by our Mother Church. In 1969, all State family codes, through our legislature passed ” no fault ” divorce. This has destroyed all marriage vows legally! These “laws” no prayer in school (
Madalyn Murray O’Hare), no
fault divorce (US Bar and All
State legislatures), and
abortions(Roe v Wade 1973)
have destroyed the very
essence of our society! God help u, and may our Holy Church
lead us!