An initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops




Made for Love Ep 6: Reality of Marriage v. the Ideal

Posted Feb. 15, 2018 by DOM No comments yet

The Murphys, Dawsons, and Stouts all thought that because they studied theology, they would be really good at this marriage thing. But knowing the Theology of the Body, while that knowledge is certainly a gift, does not mean your marriage will be easy. The messiness and difficulty of marriage is part of the vocation; it doesn’t mean that you are failing. Listen to these stories of real marriage and its beauty.




Made for Love Ep 5: Love at the Table Show Notes

Posted Feb. 7, 2018 by DOM No comments yet

This episode of “Made for Love” is in honor of National Marriage Week 2018!

The Power of the Table
Eating dinner together as a family used to be common and expected. The table is the place where members of the family can talk things out and hear about each other’s lives. This episode features Bishop Caggiano of Bridgeport, Bishop Malone of Buffalo, Brendan Glasgow, Christina Strafaci, Craig and Stephanie Rapp, Tim and Lisa Roder, and Mary Beth Bonacci.



Made for Love Ep 4: When Love Means Leaving (Domestic Abuse) Show Notes

Posted Feb. 1, 2018 by DOM 3 comments

The fourth episode of “Made for Love” addresses domestic abuse and a Catholic response.

Here’s the synopsis:
When Love Means Leaving (Feb. 1)
Domestic violence is a tragic reality in families today. The bishops issued a statement on domestic violence over 20 years ago (“When I Call for Help”), but many people do not know what the Church’s teaching is. Some people mistakenly believe that they must stay in an abusive situation. This episode features Denise, Kathy Bonner, Fr. Chuck Dahm, OP, and the founder of Catholics for Family Peace, Sharon O’Brien.

Here are some links and notes about this topic: