Made for Love Ep 50: Praying as a Family
No one really teaches families how to pray together. They know they should, but they don’t necessarily know how. Today we’ll hear from some past guests about how they go about praying with their spouse and children. Features Bishop Milan Lach, SJ, Lindsay Schlegal, Dan Meola, David and Kate Dawson, Andy and Sara Sefranek, and Steve and Jacinta Splonkowski.
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Made for Love Ep 47: When a Loved One is in Prison, Part One
Catholic families suffer separation when one of their members is in prison. What is Catholic prison ministry all about? Today we’ll talk with Bishop Wack from the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Bishop Cary of the Diocese of Baker, Fr. Dustin Feddon, of Joseph House, Fr. Michael Carson, who ministered in San Quentin, and Angela Burrin, who ministers at a Maryland women’s prison.
Here’s a website about Catholic Prison Ministries.
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Made for Love Ep 44: What to Expect When You’re Expecting Multiples
Surprise! You aren’t expecting one child; you’re expecting two… three… four…! How do Catholic families adjust to taking care of multiples? This episode features Paul Gondreau of Providence College, Stefan and Valeri Syski and Matt and Jill Kerr (triplets!).
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Made for Love Ep. 43: Family Vacations
Catholic families are found all around the world getting some rest from the “workaday” world. Listen to a few stories from families on vacation. This episode features the Hadley family, Shemaiah Gonzalez, and David Spesia, Executive Director for the Secretariat of Evangelization and Catechesis at the USCCB.
Shemaiah’s piece on Busted Halo, mentioned in the podcast, is this one: “How I Learned to Let Go of My Worries on Vacation“. She also has her own website.
Made for Love Ep 39: Digital Technology and Family Life
Pope Francis has spoken on numerous occasions, such as the World Meeting of Families in Dublin in 2018, about the impact of technology on family life, and the importance of a family’s “unplugging” in order to be together. Today we’ll talk about how families balance technology, especially social media, and their time together. This episode features Bishop Konderla of the Diocese of Tulsa, Dr. Timothy O’Malley of the University of Notre Dame, Mary Warren of CUA, and Tommy Tighe.
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Made for Love Ep 37: Adult Children of Divorce, Part One
The divorce of your mother and father affects you as a child, but not only as a child… Today we introduce you two three adult children of divorce who share their stories and experiences. This episode features Dan Meola, Beth Sri, and LeeAnne Abel. Some of their stories appear in the book Primal Loss: The Now-Adult Children of Divorce Speak by Leila Miller.
Dan Meola’s website for the Recovering Origins retreat will go live on May 4, 2019: Life-Giving Wounds
Here’s Beth’s written piece that I mention on the podcast: God heals a Child of Divorce
And this is a book that Dan Meola references: Between Two Worlds
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Made for Love is also available now on Stitcher and PlayerFM.
Bishop Olmsted at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast
Bishop Olmsted of the Diocese of Phoenix spoke at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast on April 23, 2019. His full address is available; He spoke on the importance of continuing to preach the good news of marriage and family.
He spoke about gender ideology, among other topics, noting, “Any rejection of bodiliness will immediately target two beautiful but demanding and sometimes inconvenient realities: marriage and the child.”
Made for Love Ep 35: When It’s All Too Much: Suicide and the Family
Catholic families are not immune from tragedy. Today Made for Love addresses the heartbreaking reality of suicide. The episode features Chris Miller, Tommy Tighe, and Sister Colleen Ann Nagle, FSE.
Here’s the Franciscan Life Process Center, where Sr. Colleen Ann has done the retreats mentioned on the podcast.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is: 1-800-273-8255
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Made for Love Ep 33: Momento Mori, Dying Well
Every one of us faces death; it is a door we think that we walk through alone. But Catholics know that there is Someone who is with us even in death: Jesus Christ. Today we’re talking about dying well. This episode features Sister Theresa Aletheia, of the Daughters of St. Paul and Fr. Paul Dressler, O.F.M. Cap.
Sr. Theresa Aletheia has some great resources for Lent about this theme! Check out her website Pursued By Truth for more information.
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Bishop Olmsted: Complete My Joy
Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of the Diocese of Pheonix has published a new apostolic exortation on the family: Complete My Joy. Check it out!
Made for Love Ep 27: The Holidays: Family Festivities
The first time Alice went to Christmas with Jeff’s family, things were a little different. How do you navigate the holiday season and juggle all the family traditions with grace? Hear a few stories that will get you ready for Christmas. Also features Bishop Ricken (Green Bay) and Aaron and Lindsay Weldon.
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Made for Love Ep 26: Big Catholic Families
SPECIAL NOTE: Made for Love is now available on iTunes under its own name! (Not only under “USCCB Clips”) So please subscribe and review and tell your friends!
God’s gifts are often abundant! Today we talk with three Catholic families who have big families (by today’s standards): Jerry and Kate Hadley, parents of 10 children, along with their 3rd (Cecilia) and 8th (Tim) children; Andrew and Vivian Nelson, who are expecting their 8th child, and Sam Fatzinger, mother of 13+1 foster child.
The Fatzinger family was profiled by The Washington Post for their debt-free college plan. They also run the Large Family Resource website.
Made for Love Ep 23: Catholic, Divorced
Catholics who are divorced go through a hard process, and can feel forgotten, marginalized, or unwanted at our parishes. How can we make sure that is not the case? This episode features Rose Sweet of Divorce Healing and Surviving Divorce, Patty Breen, Brad Grey, and Fr. Steve Porter.
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Patty Breen has written a few pieces on divorce for Blessed is She and Catholic Match Institute, such as: “3 Myths about Catholics and Divorce” and “How to Navigate the Worst Days After Divorce”
Made for Love Episode 20: Families who Love Members with Down Syndrome
Down Syndrome is a part of many Catholic families’ stories. Children with Down Syndrome bring immense joy into their families, even as their intellectual disabilities and medical problems may bring crosses and hardships. Today we’ll hear from Archbishop Kurtz (Louisville), a family who have children with Down Syndrome (J.D. and Kate Flynn), a UK filmmaker (Randal Wright), and a reporter from Aleteia (Zoe Romanowsky).
And here’s a link to the story that Zoe talks about on the podcast:
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Made for Love Episode 15: Humanae Vitae Anniversary (Part 1)
Humanae Vitae Part 1
On today’s Made for Love, we look at Humanae Vitae from the perspective of fifty years of change. What is HV all about? Have Pope Paul VI’s predictions come true? This episode features Bishop Ricken (Green Bay), Bishop Rassas (Auxiliary in Chicago), Dr. John Grabowski of CUA, Sister Helena Burns, fsp, Dr. Theresa Notare of the USCCB’s NFP office, and Dr. Lionel and Janet Yaceczko.
Here’s the 1968 Encyclical Humanae Vitae that we are talking about today. That’s the Vatican translation, as Dr. Lionel Yaceczko reads it on the podcast. Here’s another translation, by Dr. Janet Smith (scroll down to find the encyclical).
The USCCB NFP office is keeping an up-to-date list of events and resources for the anniversary.
Here’s Dr. John Grabowski’s faculty page at the Catholic University of America.
Made for Love Ep 14 Fatherhood: the Masculine Genius
Fathers are a gift to their children. Fatherhood is also an immense task; a father is meant to give unconditional love and acceptance, along with protection and challenge. This episode features Bishop Sis (San Angelo), Bishop Paprocki (Springfield), Mark Hartfiel of That Man is You, Paul Jarzembowski and Andy Lichtenwalner from the USCCB, Katy Doran of CanaVox, Deborah Savage from the University of St. Thomas, and Joseph Capizzi from Catholic University.
Links to some of my guests’ organizations:
That Man Is You from Paradisus Dei
And as always, the episode is also on Soundcloud and iTunes (USCCB Clips)!
Made for Love Ep 8: Love and Mental Illness
Mental Health and the Family
Mental illness is a reality for many families. Today, we’re focusing on depression and anxiety, two of the most common mental illnesses, and their effects on family life. This episode features Dr. Aaron Kheriaty (author of The Catholic Guide to Depression), Tommy Tighe (author of The Catholic Hipster Handbook), Sarah Elliot and her daughter Moire, and Teresa Bippus.
The National Catholic Partnership on Disability has resources regarding mental illness including prayer services, prayers of the faithful, tips for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, etc.
Here are some cool saints and blesseds related to mental illness to get to know.
Speaking of St. Dymphna, there’s a place in Denmark with a Church dedicated to her, where the mentally ill are welcomed into families. NPR did a story about this.
And I just came across this story from Kevin Love, a player on the Cleveland Cavs. He has suffered panic attacks like Sarah in our podcast.
Made for Love Ep 7: Love in Adoption
Kate was pregnant and in shock. Deborah, Elizabeth, Bethany, and their respective husbands, all felt an ache that their arms were empty after years of hoping for a child. This episode highlights the gift of adoption and its complexity in real life.
And don’t forget Kelli’s testimony about adoption:
And Peter Range:
Made for Love Ep 5: Love at the Table Show Notes
This episode of “Made for Love” is in honor of National Marriage Week 2018!
The Power of the Table
Eating dinner together as a family used to be common and expected. The table is the place where members of the family can talk things out and hear about each other’s lives. This episode features Bishop Caggiano of Bridgeport, Bishop Malone of Buffalo, Brendan Glasgow, Christina Strafaci, Craig and Stephanie Rapp, Tim and Lisa Roder, and Mary Beth Bonacci.
Baptism Reversal: Made for Love Ep. 1 Show Notes
I hope you enjoyed the first episode of Made for Love, with subcommittee chairman Bishop James D. Conley of Lincoln. Please subscribe on iTunes and tell your friends! This is a project of the staff of the USCCB who work for the Bishops’ Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage.
Here’s an article about Jayd Henricks, who appears at the beginning of this episode:
USCCB’s Top Lobbyist Trades Political Realm for Parish Catechesis
by Dennis Sadowski, Dec 13, 2017
Catholic News Service
And here’s a fun article about Bishop Conley and an adventure in Ireland:
That Time a Bishop Hung Out on the Star Wars Island
by Mary Rezac, December 13, 2017
Catholic News Agency
Here’s a picture from Little League, when Bishop Conley and (now) Archbishop Coakley were on the same team:
Bishop Conley’s dad is on the far right!