Made for Love Ep 26: Big Catholic Families
SPECIAL NOTE: Made for Love is now available on iTunes under its own name! (Not only under “USCCB Clips”) So please subscribe and review and tell your friends!
God’s gifts are often abundant! Today we talk with three Catholic families who have big families (by today’s standards): Jerry and Kate Hadley, parents of 10 children, along with their 3rd (Cecilia) and 8th (Tim) children; Andrew and Vivian Nelson, who are expecting their 8th child, and Sam Fatzinger, mother of 13+1 foster child.
The Fatzinger family was profiled by The Washington Post for their debt-free college plan. They also run the Large Family Resource website.
Call to Prayer: November 30, 2018
Call to Prayer: November 23, 2018
Made for Love Ep 25: Catholics and Pornography
“Porn Kills Love.” This slogan from “Fight the New Drug” resonates with Catholic teaching about pornography. This episode is about Catholics dealing with addiction to pornography. It includes DJ Hueneman, Jeff and Annette Kohn, Kevin and Krista Burridge, Patty Breen, and Perry West.
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The 2005 USCCB statement “Create in Me a Clean Heart” (Also in Spanish) addresses the crisis of pornography in today’s world. There’s an abridged version if you are pressed for time! The conference also publishes pamphlets to help particular groups:
- For Married Couples
- On Raising Children
- For Priests
- For Those Struggling with Addiction
The USCCB’s For Your Marriage website also has resources and help for people dealing with pornography.
The journal Humanum has a beautiful witness story: The Cleansing of the Temple: Casting Pornography Out of Marriage
Call to Prayer: November 16, 2018
Call to Prayer: November 9, 2018
Call to Prayer: November 2, 2018
Made for Love Ep 24: Young People in the Church
As the bishops of the Church discussed during last month’s synod in Rome, we here at home are discussing young people, the faith, and discernment with Bishop Caggiano of Bridgeport (also a delegate to the synod), Bishop Sis of San Angelo, Sr. Helena Burns, fsp, Anna Carter of the Eden Invitation, and 3 young people: Jeanne Marie Hathway, Kelly Walsh, and Elizabeth Plaza.
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And here are a few resources about discernment (including consolation and desolation, as mentioned in the episode):
- Discernment Tools
- Resources for Parents on Vocations
- Vocation Videos
- Parish Vocation Resources
- Campus Ministry Vocation Resource
(Not endorsed! Just Sara’s googling and a cursory check that it’s not crazy…)
- Introduction to Discernment of Spirits
- Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s Podcast and Website on Discernment of Spirits (Author of Discerning the Will of God and many other books on this topic.