From Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s blog:
A Call to Counter Cultural Witness
Sad . . . worrisome . . . but hardly surprising.
That’s how I answered another concerned person who asked my sentiments about Wednesday’s Supreme Court decision allowing the redefinition of marriage.
Sad, because the ominous erosion of the pivotal institution of society and civilization — marriage – has been accelerated. Yes, the decision could have been more troublesome, but it’s still somber.
The understanding of marriage as the lifelong, faithful, loving union of one man and one woman, as a husband and a wife become a mom and dad to their babies, and bring about a family, is a given in the human heart, a constant in history, flowing from what philosophers term the natural law, a definition embedded in reasoned reflection on the human person, antedating any government, written law, or religion.
Well, I read the entire blog by Cardinal Dolan. A Catholic responded why we would impose our religion on those who want to marry in our country. I had to respond, which I’m sure won’t show up on the blog since it rarely does. But, please, listen to my answer to that Catholic woman and to our dear Cardinal Dolan.
You are among those who need to learn the teachings of your Faith, the One True Faith. We are not redefining something that has ALWAYS been a given. Our perverted culture is…which is all just a bunch of puppets to those trillionaires who have been trying to decrease the population for some time now using: the eugenics movement, Margaret Sangor’s birth control league (now Planned Parenthood), the feminist movement, the environmentalist nonsense, the psych guys and gals changing their ever-changing disorder list to serve those with money, saying the unnatural act of sodomy is not a disorder in relationships (hmm?), no fault divorce (where children are concerned?), the pill and all forms of contraception, abortion (the murder of the natural outcome–conception, a new life, a baby–by an act of intimacy that was meant to be between a husband and wife exclusively who have vowed to be faithful to their covenant of love, welcoming children, bringing them up in the Faith and providing for them)…and now we may add 2 partners (well, 2 at this time, until they want that increased) since parenting is not all that important (who needs a Father and a Mother?) and call them “married.” No Mam, religious freedom means that you don’t mess with what has always been and always will be no matter what some disordered human being may say.
Cardinal Dolan, shame on you! Do you see what is happening and what has happened on your watch? Please, please awaken! It is time that you and all U.S. Bishops marched on the White House and those halls of in-Justice in Washington D.C. Our Lord is truly offended by those who claim to be Catholic and who politically mock, spit upon, and flog our Lord and His Body, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. How many Supreme Court Justices claim to be Catholic? Did a Catholic write the decision? I would so very much appreciate some wisdom from you on these most critical subjects. Please, dear Cardinal Dolan, email me as soon as you have time. You have my prayers, daily, as do all of our Bishops, our Pope Francis, and our Church.
The Supreme Court decision concerns a matter of civil law. It does not impose any obligation on any church or individual to regard same-sex unions as “marriage” or to officially witness the “marriage” of same-sex couples. It has to do with the civil effects & rights of such unions. This decision does inevitably influence how citizens view/understand marriage. So the real battle is now located in the marketplace of ideas. It is up to us and the Church to join the battle in that market place where positive logic, research, and data are effective, not condemnations.
This is my first visit to your website. I have been promoting the necessity of having an intercessor for the Youth of the United States canonized, namely, Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati. He was promoted by Pope John Paul II for the Youth during World Youth Day in Denver, Co. We can make a significant impact on the immoral cultural war through the Pope who called the Youth to Witness and the Model he promoted.