This Sunday is Respect Life Sunday. We invite you to fast and pray tomorrow as part of the Bishops’ Call to Prayer for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty.
The suggested fasting intention for Friday, October 4 is that each of us may have the courage to open our hearts to life.
See the accompanying brief reflection and “Did You Know?” for this week’s intention (en español), and learn more about the Friday Fast.
- Learn about the Bishops’ Call to Prayer for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty
- Sign the pledge to fast on Fridays for life, marriage, and religious liberty
- Join the Call to Prayer Facebook event
Message from nationformarriage: Representative Tim Huelskamp has introduced a proposed constitutional amendment that has already attracted over two-dozen co-sponsors. We’re going to push every member of Congress from every state that defines marriage as one man/one woman to co-sponsor the amendment in order to ensure that activist judges do not obliterate all of America’s state-level laws defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman and replace with judicially-imposed a genderless counterfeit. If they refuse, we will make sure their constituents know that their lack of action risks marriage in their state.
We’re under no illusions about how difficult it will be to pass a constitutional amendment, but we’ve faced tough battles before – and prevailed. We passed Proposition 8 in California, when everyone said it would be impossible! It was only through judicial and political corruption that politicians like Jerry Brown and Kamala Harris were able to abandon the voters, and a single homosexual judge was allowed to invalidate it. It’s imperative that no other state have to go through what Californians have suffered. We’re demanding that the Huelskamp marriage protection amendment come before the full House of Representatives for a vote.