The primary place for education on human dignity is the family. Racism has no place in Catholic families. Today’s episode features Bishop Shelton Fabre of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, Danielle Brown, Associate Director of the Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism at the USCCB, and Louis Damani Jones, intern with the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD).
More resources for parishes, children, and adults can be found at Additionally, the bishops have collaborated to bring you this children’s book, called “Everyone Belongs” to help teach children, K-5th grade, to value reconciliation and the human dignity of every person.
The USCCB pastoral letter against racism is “Open Wide Our Hearts”
Here is some addition information about CCHD.
- The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is the national anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic Bishops. Thanks to the support of generous Catholics across the country, CCHD supports initiatives that help poor and vulnerable people defend their lives and dignity, make changes that solve local problems and improve their neighborhoods and communities.
- For nearly 50 years, CCHD has supported low-income led anti-poverty projects across the country. These initiatives include projects that empower new mothers, immigrants, the elderly, families, and individuals to be active participants in their lives and work with their community to transform our society into one which supports the flourishing of all our brothers and sisters.
- Louis is one of about 30 CCHD Interns serving across the country. These interns are a group of emerging leaders in the church committed to sharing the Good News of the Gospel through solidarity building, Catholic Social Teaching and developing relationships with community leaders.
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