Posted Jun. 9, 2023 by DOM
Jason Evert of the Chastity Project joins to discuss his new book Male, Female, Other?, which addresses the current state of gender theory in our culture. He goes into great detail about how to address the problems in the ideology, but more importantly he provides insight into how to lovingly speak and listen to someone struggling with gender discordance, not as an advocate, but as a child of God. Later (18:55), Kara joins in advance of Pixar’s new film Elemental to talk about another Pixar movie, one that has a lot to say, both true and misleading, about the human person: Inside Out. Will Andrew be able to restrain his philosophical finger-pointing to recognize the positive elements? Only one way to find out!
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Find more from Jason Evert on gender theory, including Male, Female, Other? at!
Past episodes on Pixar’s anthropology trilogy:
Ep. 61: Dating, Breakups, and Pixar’s Soul
Ep. 80: Hispanic Family Life and Coco
Inside Out

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Posted May. 26, 2023 by DOM
Does God need us? Why would he create us (or anything) if he didn’t? How is God’s relationship with us and with the world different than any other religion’s account? How does it change the way we love? Bishop Robert Barron, head of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester and Word on Fire, discusses how the Christian distinction answers all of those questions and more.
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Check out Bishop Barron’s new video on Mrs. Davis!
The God of Faith and Reason by Msgr. Robert Sokolowski

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Posted May. 12, 2023 by DOM
Our conversation on human ecology continues with Dr. Jennifer Frey, who dives deeper into the mind of the Church and the work of the Institute for Human Ecology. Then (19:15), we celebrate Mother’s Day with Kara by talking about Lady Bird. The prestigious 2017 movie has a surprisingly nuanced take on family life and love-related wounds, without turning its nose up at Christianity.
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More about Dr. Jennifer Frey
Institute for Human Ecology
Sacred & Profane Love podcast
Rerum Novarum by Leo XIII
Centesimus Annus by John Paul II (37-39)
2011 Address to the German parliament by Benedict XVI
Laudato Si by Francis (155)
Lady Bird
Check out the cool way this image from the movie is composed, with Our Lady of Guadalupe in the background right next to Christine.

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