When Love Meets Silence: Made for Love Ep. 2 Show Notes
Terri and Vince met later in life and married with a vision of years of companionship ahead. This vision lasted only one month, when Vince started showing signs of an illness that there was no name for. Terri took care of Vince until he died seventeen years later, showing fidelity to her promises in a beautiful way. This episode includes Bishop Frank Caggiano, of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Fr. Scott Sina of the Diocese of Arlington, and Robert Mastrogiavanni, the President of the Well Spouse Association.
Terri has written a number of articles about her experience with caregiving. Here’s one with some pictures of her and Vince:
“I Married the Love of My Life—Then Immediately Became His Caregiver for 16 Years”
by Terri Corcoran as told to Abigail Cuffey, August 7, 2017
Women’s Day
And another with more details about Vince’s illness:
Life with FXTAS: Supporting a Spouse with Fragile X-Associated Tremor Ataxia Syndrome
Here’s a link to the Well Spouse Association: http://www.wellspouse.org/
[Please note that this is not an endorsement of the organization.]